Missions at Fruitland

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”  We believe that everyone who claims to be a follower of Jesus is a missionary.  We are to represent Christ at all times. (Acts 1:8)

Our Approach to Missions

We endeavor to complete the vision and mission God has given Fruitland Baptist Church.  We will provide opportunities and lead others to be rooted, growing, reaching, and ready to be sent. 
Dividing the missional task into these areas.
  • Jerusalem - Local
  • Judea - Regional
  • Samaria - National
  • The ends of the earth - International
We use the following to evaluate the focus of our mission efforts:
  • Involvement - Engagement ability of Fruitland members
  • Impact - Ability for effective monetary and service to the lost
  • Merit - Biblical integrity and transparency to make a difference for His Kingdom
Based on Matthew 28:16-20 and Acts 19 Paul says the Gospel is worth it, is hard work and it takes boldness. 
Each year we join God at work in the areas where He leads.  Currently we are working locally in our Jerusalem, in Judaea through West Virginia and North Raleigh, Samaria in Boston MA and Baltimore MD and Internationally in Africa, Central Asia and Czech Republic.   In addition to going and serving we partner with:  Storehouse, Open Arms, Glasses for Mission, Feed the Need, Operation Christmas Child, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, North American Mission Board and International Mission Board.   Tithing to missions supports these efforts.